Requirements: Companies with 5 or more full or part-time employees are required to purchase Alabama workmans comp insurance. All construction related businesses must buy work comp coverage regardless of the number of employees.
Sole Proprietors & Partners – Excluded. Allowed to be included by completing Form WC14/15
Alabama Sole Proprietors and Partners who include themselves on a workers compensation insurance policy must use a payroll amount of $42,300 for premium purposes. (As of 03/01/2016)
Corporations – Included. Officer may elect to be excluded by completing Form WC14/15
LLC – Treat as officers of a corporation
LLC Members and Officers who include themselves in work comp coverage must utilize a minimum payroll of $41,600 and a maximum payroll of $171,600 for premium calculation. (as of 03/01/2016)
Buy Alabama Workers Compensation Insurance.