

Companies are required to buy workers compensation in Indiana if they have one or more part-time or full-time employees.

Sole Proprietors, Partners and LLC Members are all automatically excluded from a work comp policy, but can elect to be included.

Sole Proprietors, Partners and LLC Members who include themselves on workers compensation coverage must use a minimum payroll amount of $36,400 or a maximum payroll of $176,800 as of January 1, 2017

Corporate Officers are automatically included on a work comp policy, but may elect to be exempt from coverage.

Corp Officers who include themselves on workers compensation coverage must use a minimum payroll amount of $36,400 or a maximum payroll of $176,800 as of January 1, 2017


Independent contractors in the blue-collar space MUST become certified by the Indiana Workers’ Compensation Board. If an Indiana independent contractor is becomes injured while working, that claim will NOT be covered by work comp insurance. However, employees injured during the course and scope of employment might be covered.


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