All Kansas companies are required to purchase work comp insurance.
Sole-Proprietors, Partners and LLC Members are excluded from workerscomp coverage, but may choose to be covered.
Sole-Proprietors, Partners and LLC members who include themselves on workers compensation coverage must use a payroll amount of $43,500 for rating purposes. (As of 01/01/2017)
Corporate Officers are automatically included on the policy, but they may elect to be excluded.
Corporate Officers with > 10% ownership are treated as regular employees, and must be included on a work comp policy. Corp Officers with a <10% ownership can choose to exclude themselves from workmans comp coverage.
Corporate Officers who are included on a policy must utilize a minimum payroll of $800 per week and a maximum weekly payroll of $3,300 for the purpose of calculating workers comp premium. (As of January 1, 2017)
Family members who do not meet the “10% ownership threshold” for companies must be included in the workers comp coverage. They cannot exclude themselves from coverage.