Companies with one or more part-time or full-time employees must buy a Massachusetts work comp policy. Even businesses who employ only family members are still required to purchase a workers comp policy.
Sole-Proprietors and Partners are excluded from coverage, but they can elect to be covered on the policy Acord form.
Sole-Proprietors, LLC Members and Partners who include themselves on workers compensation coverage must use a minimum payroll amount of $45,700 for rating purposes. (As of 4/1/2016)
Corp Officers who are not excluded from coverage must utilize a minimum payroll of $10,400 and a maximum of $52,000 for the purpose of rating workers comp premium
Corporate Officers are automatically included in coverage, but they may elect to be excluded buy sing the following Corporate Officer Exemption Form: Massachusetts Affidavit of Exemption for Certain Corporate Officers (Form 153)
LLC Members are not required to be covered on a work comp policy in Massachusetts.
However, Members may opt to cover themselves on a workers comp policy by including themselves on the Acord 130 Application.