Nevada companies who have one or more employees must buy a work comp insurance policy.
Sole Proprietors that work as contractors must buy work comp coverage.
Sole Props & Partners are excluded from workers comp coverage, but may choose to include themselves on a work comp policy.
Sole Props & Partners who include themselves on workers compensation policy must use a $15,600 payroll amount per year for premium calculation.
Some exceptions exist.
Therefore, please inquire with the Nevada Department of Business and Industry. (as of 1/1/2017).
A Sole Prop with no employees may choose to include himself or herself on a work comp policy. If any employees work for the Sole Prop than he/she must provide workers comp insurance for them.
Corp Officers & LLC Members are included in coverage, but may choose to exclude themselves for coverage
Corp Officers & LLC Members who are included must use a minimum payroll of $6,000 per year and a maximum payroll of $36,000 per year for calculating work comp premium (as of January 1, 2017)